


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

For You Lot Data - Climate Change/Biodiversity Loss: Inseparable Threats To Humanity That Must Last Addressed Together

Demand for bioenergy to cut down CO2 emissions from fossil fuels could elbow grease a 10- to 30-fold increment inward light-green energy-related province role inward years to come, adding crushing pressure level on habitat for plants in addition to animals in addition to undermining the essential multifariousness of species on Earth.

 emissions from fossil fuels could elbow grease a  For You Information - Climate change/biodiversity loss: Inseparable threats to humanity that must last addressed together
Credit: IPBES
Speaking to authorities ministers in addition to other high grade representatives at a major United Nations biodiversity coming together inward Egypt, Anne Larigauderie, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity in addition to Ecosystem Services, said climate scientists foresee far to a greater extent than province needed for corn in addition to other crops for bioenergy to mitigate climate modify inward decades to come.

Citing the latest written report from the Intergovernmental Platform on Climate Change (on limiting climate warming to 1.5C), doc Larigauderie noted that most IPCC scenarios foresee a major increment inward province expanse for cultivating bioenergy crops past times 2050 -- upwardly to 724 1000000 hectares inward all, an expanse almost the size of Australia.

"The key number hither is: where would this huge amount of novel province come upwardly from?" she asked. "Is at that topographic point currently such a large amount of 'marginal land' available or would this compete with biodiversity? Some scientists debate that at that topographic point is real petty marginal province left."

"This of import number needs to last clarified, but the demand for province for liberate energy volition almost sure as shooting increase, with negative consequences for biodiversity."

doc Larigauderie made the remarks at the start of the 14th coming together of the Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 14), convened with the Government of Arab Republic of Egypt inward Sharm el Sheikh, 14-29 November.

Meeting rigid climate mitigation goals without massive bioenergy is possible, she added, but scenarios dot that this requires substantial reductions inward liberate energy role in addition to rapid increases inward depression carbon liberate energy production from wind, solar in addition to nuclear sources.

Safeguarding establish in addition to creature species multifariousness in addition to the services nature provides is itself key to the mitigation of planetary warming, she said.

For example:

- Land ecosystems, with their various plants in addition to soils, today sequester nearly i 3rd of annual CO2 emissions.

- Similarly, the sea sequesters nearly a quarter of annual carbon emissions.

- Reforestation is ameliorate at mitigating climate than most bioenergy crops. In temperate climates, i reforested hectare is 4 times to a greater extent than effective inward climate mitigation than a hectare of corn used for biofuel.

"All methods that create healthier ecosystems should last promoted equally a agency to fight climate change," she said. "This includes afforestment in addition to reforestation, equally good equally restoration -- implemented properly using native species, for example."

The latest IPCC report, she said, "has given a feel of extreme urgency for these exchanges on tradeoffs in addition to synergies betwixt climate, biodiversity in addition to province degradation."

Efforts are underway to heighten much needed inter-disciplinary collaboration, she added, betwixt the IPCC in addition to IPBES, inward the context of the mo operate programme of IPBES to last approved inward 2019.

"In the background to all of these discussions is the demand to get upwardly the theme of biodiversity much higher on the political agenda -- to the same grade equally climate. I feel that nosotros may last closer ... but nosotros stimulate got to intensify our efforts equally a community fifty-fifty farther over the adjacent twain of years."

In divide remarks to describe of piece of occupation concern leaders at the United Nations meetings, doc Larigauderie said that COP fourteen was expected to brand a determination to asking from IPBES a written report on criteria, metrics in addition to indicators of the impacts dissimilar describe of piece of occupation concern sectors stimulate got on biodiversity in addition to ecosystem services, which could last undertaken inward 2019 if approved past times the adjacent IPBES Plenary.

Businesses stimulate got several compelling reasons to protect in addition to role biodiversity sustainably, she noted.

Among them:

- Many businesses depend straight or indirectly on biodiversity in addition to the wellness of ecosystem services

- They are oft responsible for the loss of biodiversity in addition to ecosystem services in addition to consumers volition increasingly favour companies with a biodiversity policy, simply equally they brand choices at nowadays that reverberate climate in addition to pollution concerns

- Proper administration of the touching on biodiversity would non solely minimise operational, regulatory, reputational in addition to marketplace risks, but likewise convey describe of piece of occupation concern opportunities for companies inward the shape of novel markets, efficiencies inward production, staff buy-in, in addition to competitive advantage.

Recently published IPBES assessments of regional biodiversity in addition to ecosystem services reports incorporate illustration studies, policy options in addition to opportunities for mainstreaming biodiversity inward dissimilar economical sectors, she noted.

"They demonstrate inward especial that proactive environmental activeness past times businesses is telephone commutation in addition to needs to increase, but likewise that they must last supported past times complementary regulatory measures equally good equally economical incentives / disincentives past times governments."

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 stronger emphasis on this is expected inward a major global assessment of biodiversity in addition to ecosystem services beingness prepared for release inward Paris adjacent May, said doc Larigauderie. It volition last the initiative off such written report since the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment of 2005.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 primer detailing elements of the IPBES Global Assessment of Biodiversity volition last released on Monday, nineteen November.

About the 14th coming together of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity

High-Level Segment (14-15 November). As many equally fourscore ministers of Environment, Infrastructure, Energy, Industry in addition to other sectors are expected to bring together inward discussions on mainstreaming biodiversity into their respective fields of work.

From 17-29 November, negotiations volition last undertaken alongside 196 Parties to the CBD on the next master copy themes: Achieving the globally-agreed Aichi Biodiversity Targets (2010-2020); mainstreaming biodiversity issues; in addition to the initiative off of 2 years of negotiation of the post 2020 global framework for biodiversity, scheduled for terminal understanding at CBD COP15 inward Communist People's Republic of China inward 2020.

Source: Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity in addition to Ecosystem Services (IPBES) [November 15, 2018]


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