


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

For Yous Data - Looters Plunder Albania's Sunken Treasures

Albania's long underexplored coastal waters select locomote a hotspot for treasure hunters scooping upwards ancient pottery, sunken send parts in addition to other shell-encrusted relics that select lain on the seabed for centuries.

s long underexplored coastal waters select locomote a hotspot for treasure hunters scooping upwards For You Information - Looters plunder Albania's sunken treasures
Albania's coastline has locomote a magnet for treasure hunters
 looking for sunken relics [Credit: AFP]
The 450-kilometre (280-mile) coastline, which is lapped yesteryear the Adriatic in addition to Ionian seas, was off-limits nether the communist regime which ruled the Balkan province until 1990, amongst orders to shoot anyone caught diving without authorisation.

But today its waters are open, luring archaeologists merely equally good looters eager to plumb the novel territory in addition to sell their finds on the fine art in addition to metals markets.

"Much of this wealth resting at the depth of 20-30 metres (66-99 feet) is easily accessible without whatsoever special equipment in addition to has well-nigh completely disappeared without a trace," said Albanian archeologist in addition to fine art historian Neritan Ceka, amidst those calling for urgent measures to protect the underwater heritage.

While diving at the kickoff of the 1980s—under communism, archaeologists in addition to soldiers were permitted—he was 1 of the inaugural off to encounter for himself the seabed treasures, he said.

"I saw extraordinary richness, amphoras (terra-cotta jugs), pottery, archaeological objects which are no longer at that spot today," he added.

Teams of European in addition to Albanian divers "have started to loot inwards a barbaric way", he lamented.

Expeditions carried out since 2006 yesteryear the US-based RPM Nautical Foundation select establish some xl shipwrecks along Albania's coastline, including vessels dating dorsum to the seventh century BC in addition to naval ships from World War I in addition to II.

Hundreds of Roman-era amphoras—used to shop wine, olive fossil oil in addition to other goods on merchandise vessels—are equally good clustered on the ocean floor, covered inwards marine plants.

Experts tell that without a total inventory, it is impossible to know how many of the artifacts select been plucked from the seabed in addition to sold on the international fine art trafficking market.

The marketplace position overall generates a global turnover of to a greater extent than than $4 billion (3.5 billion euros) a year, according to Auron Tare, who chairs UNESCO's scientific in addition to technical advisory trunk on underwater cultural heritage.

"But what is certain: a treasure hunt below the seas tin give notice select inwards big profits," said Moikom Zeqo, an underwater archeologist who helped discovery a 2nd-century BC Roman send carrying hundreds of amphoras.

s long underexplored coastal waters select locomote a hotspot for treasure hunters scooping upwards For You Information - Looters plunder Albania's sunken treasures
Expeditions select establish some xl shipwrecks along Albania's coastline, including some vessels
dating dorsum to the seventh century BC [Credit: AP]
The vases tin give notice live sold for upwards to 100 euros inwards Albania, where they are on display inwards some high-end restaurants, or auctioned for much greater sums inwards London in addition to other fine art capitals.

Other prized discoveries select been ferried dwelling yesteryear unusual divers in addition to placed inwards diverse somebody museums to a greater extent than or less the world, such equally the bell of an ill-fated Austro-Hungarian ship, the SS Linz, that sunk off Albania's northwest coast amongst 1,000 passengers on board after striking a mine inwards March 1918.

"These objects (from the SS Linz), exhibited inwards a somebody museum inwards Austria, must live returned to Albania," said Tare, who equally good heads the Albanian Center for Marine Research.

Divers are equally good going underwater to strip early on 20th century warships for their high-quality steel.

Steel produced earlier whatsoever nuclear explosions happened inwards the footing is peculiarly lucrative, equally it lacks whatsoever line of radioactive decay in addition to tin give notice live used for sensitive medical devices in addition to other scientific equipment.

"To peel the hull in addition to take it from the seabed, the looters role dynamite," said Ilir Capuni, a researcher in addition to professor at the University of New York Tirana.

He has seen the plunder firsthand.

Back inwards 2013, Capuni helped discovery a Hungarian-Croat steamer, the Pozsony, that sunk off the coast of Durres inwards 1916 after striking a mine.

But 4 years later, "we establish that at that spot was well-nigh zilch left of it," said Capuni.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 like fate has befallen the Italian medical send Po, which was struck yesteryear a British torpedo inwards 1941 off the coast of southeastern Vlore. Benito Mussolini's miss Edda Ciano, who was aboard the send equally a nurse, survived.

Its algae-covered hull was miraculously intact when it was inaugural off discovered merely has since been dismantled inwards places in addition to emptied of valuable objects, such equally the bell, compass, telegraph, lights in addition to dishes.

s long underexplored coastal waters select locomote a hotspot for treasure hunters scooping upwards For You Information - Looters plunder Albania's sunken treasures
Albanian government select straight off passed a law classifying shipwrecks equally cultural monuments
and requiring strict licensing for diving teams [Credit: AFP]
Bought firsthand for 5,000 euros, some parts select been resold since to collectors for xx times that amount, Capuni said.

In June, government passed a law classifying the shipwrecks equally cultural monuments in addition to requiring strict licensing for diving teams.

Police are equally good working amongst Interpol to line in addition to provide stolen objects, said criminal police draw manager Eduart Merkaj, although in addition to thence far at that spot select been no concrete results.

One dream shared yesteryear Albanian in addition to unusual experts is to exercise an underwater museum, such equally the 1 that exists inwards the Turkish metropolis of Bodrum, that would protect the artifacts in addition to depict tourists.

"The fourth dimension has come upwards to construct an underwater museum, laboratories in addition to a specialised centre," says Luan Perzhita, manager of Albania's Archaeological Institute.

But the high costs of such a projection stay a barrier, amongst entirely 30,000 euros allotted inwards the province budget this yr for archaeology.

"Albania has never had the luxury or awareness to empathize the bully importance that this wealth represents for the country's history in addition to for Mediterranean civilisation," said Tare.

Even though, he added, the waters nonetheless comprise "more treasures that select non yet been discovered".

Author: Briseida Mema | Source: AFP [November 18, 2018]


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