


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

For Yous Data - Remains Of 5,000 Yr One-Time Logboat Discovered Inwards Irish River Simply About Newgrange

Scientific dating has confirmed that the remains of a logboat constitute inward the River Boyne roughly the Brú na Bóinne World Heritage Site dates to the Neolithic period, over 5,000 years ago.

 Scientific dating has confirmed that the remains of a logboat constitute inward the River Boyne cl For You Information - Remains of 5,000 yr erstwhile logboat discovered inward Irish Gaelic river roughly Newgrange
Scientific dating has confirmed that the logboat is to a greater extent than 5,000 years old 
[Credit: Irish Gaelic Times]
The prehistoric logboat was constitute inward June 2016 yesteryear 4 local anglers piece line-fishing on the river at Oldbridge, County Meath. Stephen Murphy, Kieran Maher, William Gregory together with David Johnston straightaway reported it to the heritage authorities.

The remains of the vessel consist of a 3m length of woods which would bring formed the base of operations of the boat. It is estimated that the logboat was originally to a greater extent than than 4m long, shaped out of the body of an oak tree using rock axes.

This regain is i of eleven logboats constitute inward the River Boyne, though this is the starting fourth dimension boat constitute to appointment to the Neolithic menstruum – a sample of the woods has rattling late been radiocarbon dated to betwixt 3,300-2,900BC. This is the menstruum of the structure of the peachy passage tomb complexes of Knowth, Dowth together with Newgrange.

The National Monuments Service Underwater Archaeology Unit together with the National Museum of Republic of Ireland collaborated inward recording the boat together with carefully removing it from the river bed to the museum facilities, where it is currently undergoing conservation.

Minister Madigan said: “I desire to sincerely give thank yous all involved for reporting this regain together with then quickly, which has allowed for its attention together with ongoing conservation together with for this exciting novel scientific appointment to last obtained. This novel noesis adds to the wonderful archaeological discoveries made this summertime across Brú na Bóinne together with enhances our agreement of the people inside this exceptional landscape, together with then dominated yesteryear the peachy River Boyne which would bring played such a key role inward their lives.

“The importance of this regain together with the scientific appointment which has at nowadays been obtained for it lies inward its contemporaneity amongst the edifice of the Great Passage tomb of Newgrange together with the other wonderful passage tombs that dominate our World Heritage Site of Brú na Bóinne. It is tempting to ponder the role such a vessel powerfulness bring played inward the structure of these burial monuments together with the lives of those who built them, inward ferrying people along the river, together with transporting materials together with stones used to build the peachy tombs.”

Details volition last added to the Department’s online Wreck Viewer which launched before this yr together with which helps promote a wider appreciation of Ireland’s maritime together with riverine archæology together with the of import role boats together with ships played inward the evolution of our isle club over millennia.

Source: Department of Culture, Heritage together with the Gaeltacht [November 23, 2018]


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