


Thursday, February 28, 2019

Learn In Addition To Lookout Adult Man 9 Essential Digital Skills For Teachers

September 24, 2017
In a digitally focused world, instruction is getting to a greater extent than too to a greater extent than digitized pushing us, teachers too educators, to re-conceptualize what it actually way to live on a instructor inwards the 21st century. Whether y'all are a technological determinist or instrumentalist, technology has drib dead an essential forcefulness shaping much of our teaching too pedagogical practices. It has also placed a issue of demands too exigencies on us too to run across these exigencies nosotros require to prepare a prepare of key digital skills. In the nautical chart below, nosotros cited ix digital skills that nosotros believe are fundamentally of import for whatever teacher. This nautical chart is based on a previous work we published hither inwards the past.

Digital Skills
Record too edit well clips
Create annotated, interactive too engaging  video content
Create visually engaging content
Use social networking websites to do PLNs,  connect , abide by novel content, too grow professionally
Use blogs too wikis to do participatory spaces for students
Use Social bookmarking websites curate too  share resources amongst your class
Create Engaging presentations
Create digital portfolios
Create non-traditional quizzes

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